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The Business of Recycling

Somebody placing a plastic bottle in a plastic recycling bin

New regulations will soon require your business to separate recyclable materials from your general waste.

What’s changing and why

From the 31st March 2025 businesses will need to separate the following groups of recyclable materials, ensuring that they are kept separate:

  • Glass, metal and plastic
  • Cardboard and paper
  • Food waste as a dedicated collection

The new guidelines apply to all businesses, healthcare establishments and academic institutions but small businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees are temporarily exempt until the 31st March 2027.

There is also no minimum food waste weight before the new regulations apply.

Glass bottles
Metal cans
Plastic bottles
Waste paper
Food waste

It’s compulsory for businesses to arrange a separate collection of these materials, so they can be recycled efficiently.

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Optimise your waste collection

Use our business waste calculator to find out more about how you can save money by recycling. 

Communication resources to promote recycling in the workplace

We have created a suite of downloadable resources that can be used to help you promote recycling.

View Resources
A set of 3 posters communicating recycling points in the workplace

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