Guidance for Education
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Monitoring recycling services in educational establishments

Get feedback from your staff and students

Estimated reading time: 1 min

To understand how well your new recycling service is working for your educational setting, it’s useful to obtain feedback from your staff and students across their different roles and departments, as well as facilities staff such as porters, caterers, caretakers and cleaners. You could send a short survey or install a feedback box near your recycling bins, as well as having a discussion in staff and student meetings. Ask them:

  • What (if any) issues have they experienced? – do they understand what can and can’t be recycled?

  • What’s working well? – are the recycling bins located in the correct places?

  • What could be improved? – do you need more bins, or does signage need to be clearer?

As well as highlighting issues you may not have known about, involving your staff and students in the conversation on all things recycling creates ‘buy in’, helping them to feel part of the change process.